Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flying by the seat of my pants...but sort of pulling it off

Included in my set of mental master plans is a scheme for developing a method of storyboarding my blog topics so that when I sit down to write everything is easy-peasy and smooth sailing.  This is an excellent idea.  In this ideal world I would have clear goals and set assignments. Right now, I have ideas to work on, stories to share, words to publish into the void but no way to really hold myself accountable for writing one thing and not writing another.  Unfortunately, I haven't found a good calendar yet to for sketching out these ideas.  Someday I'll discuss my co-dependent relationship with office supplies, but until then you'll have to bear with me and understand that the fact that I haven't been to Staples yet is crippling.  On a related note, this is also why my dissertation writing schedule is, as of this afternoon, also a bit scattershot.  I do plan, however, on getting to the store within the next day or two, so things will be far more organized and thus me-like soon.  Until then, however, I invite you to enjoy more randomness based on my whims.

First up, I miss television.  Yes, I know it still exists and that all I have to do is press the power button, but my shows are all on the same weird haitus that I am between semesters.  And for both myself and television, this break is starting to feel a bit endless (remind me I said that in February when I'm acting like a ginormous ingrate).  So, since I'm missing television so very much, I thought I'd share one of my favorite clips from a show that won't be coming back - Flight of the Conchords.   While I think that the first season of the show wasa bit stronger than the second (the length of time spent with the material did show occasionally), one of my absolute favorite episodes is Season 2's "Unnatural Love," that features the song "Carol Brown."

(I posted that through the magic of Google help and the YouTube.  Bow down to me as I am soon to take over the internet and all its tubes.)

Secondly, I thought I'd draw attention to some of my favorite pop culture criticism because I spent most of my time in my office this afternoon catching up on it.   Don't worry, I did some other stuff, too.  But anyway, since my office is quiet and I tend to need distractions as a general rule, I like to listen to the podcasts - known as Gabfests - that Slate offers on a weekly basis.  While I like all of them, from the original Political Gabfest to Hang Up and Listen, the Sport podcast, and will even listen to an Audio Book Club about something I haven't read (it's called being a responsible graduate student in the field of English), my most favorite Gabfest is the Culture Gabfest (you can click that).  It's very well rounded, funny, and informative.  This week we learned about sex scenes in literature, the changing status of the online magazine, competing theories about what happened to Van Gogh's ear, and much, much more.  Like a good number of things I like, it's slightly nerdy and eclectic, but it's also worth a listen.

I don't have a third thing right now, but when I get that calendar I will.

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